For employees, contractors, and visitors.
VISITORS: if you are wishing to visit our facility (i.e., customers) we are currently under limited restrictions. Please contact us first by calling (778) 516-6250. When you arrive, do not enter the building. Use the staircase on the east side of the complex, at the top of the stairs there are posted instructions to ring the doorbell and wait for assistance. If you are entering our business, you will be required to sanitize your hands (provided for you). Please limit the number of staff you interact with and do your best when possible to maintain a 2 meter physical distance from others. If you elect to wear a mask (we will provide one if you wish) do not discard your mask on our premises, take it with you. If you are feeling ill, you may be denied entry.
SUPPLIERS / COMMERCIAL TRUCK DRIVERS; Do not enter the building without consent. We ask that you either engage an employee (shipping/receiving) in our yard or if none are visible follow the guidelines above for visitors. If you are a truck driver, please remain in your vehicle as much as possible during loading/unloading. If you wish to use our restrooms, you must sanitize your hands. If you are feeling ill or have traveled cross-border please inform us of this immediately upon your arrival so proper procedures can be followed.
EMPLOYEES; Numerous safeguards have been put in place to protect your health and the health of your fellow team members. If you have any questions or concerns please bring them to the attention of our health and safety team.
- Do not come to work if you are feeling ill. Contact your supervisor or manager to inform them. You may wish to consult a medical professional or call 811 for guidance.
- If you have travelled outside of British Columbia, please advise your supervisor or manager prior to travelling and upon your return.
- We operate an active manufacturing facility. If you are not able to maintain a safe and constant physical distance (minimum of 2 meters) you may wish to wear a face mask.
- Face masks are no longer mandatory in the lunchroom however maximum users remains at 8 persons.
- Face masks and sanitizer are available for your use at any time.
- Wash your hands frequently, and always after using the restroom or lunchroom.
- Do not use staff lockers. Keep your personal belongings in your vehicle or at your work station.
- Sanitize your hands frequently, and always prior to and after using community items such as door knobs, microwave, sinks, light switch etc.
- Sanitize your hands after using community tools, and wipe the tool with disinfectant wipe. (I.E., pallet jack, shrink wrap, tape, carts etc.)
Employees Continued.
- We continue to disinfect our facility. If you would like details please see the administration office.
- If you have travelled outside of Canada within the past 14 days, you may not enter the premises without providing a negative Covid-19 test. Contact your manager.
- If you have been identified by Public Health as a close contact of someone with Covid-19 you must contact your manager so they can properly assess the situation.
- If you have tested positive for Covid-19 do not come to work. Notify your manager by email or phone.
- Concerns? Speak to your manager or our workplace health and safety team. You can also contact WorksafeBC prevention and information line at 1.888.621.SAFE.
- Unsure if you are ill? Please “google” BC Covid 19 self-assessment tool and follow the information.
- Your employer is providing sanitizer, covid-19 rapid tests and face masks for your use, if you are unsure how to acquire this while at work please see your manager or supervisor.
Latest update March 15, 2022
CenDek Railings Ltd.
888.493.1103 or 778.516.6250
9685 Agur St Summerland BC Canada V0H1Z2